College Registration

If you would like to communicate with us, please email us at:

Please register for a fair using the form below. Upon submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email. 

2024-2025 Season Concluded!

Registration for 2025-2026 School Year will Open in July 2025

I do hereby consent and agree that LLD Scholars has permission to provide my registration information to interested colleges, universities, scholarship programs, sponsors, vendors and service programs participating in the LLD Scholars Fairs.

I further consent and agree that the LLD Scholars has the right to take photographs or digital recordings of me at the LLD Scholars Fairs. Pictures and any other media recording exclusively for the purpose of promoting the LLD Scholars Scholarship College & Career Fairs.

I further consent that my name may be revealed in descriptive text, captions, articles, or commentary. I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration for registering, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback.